Ultimate lies of sweeter people

 Sometimes we fight for people who don't stand on their own words...

Sometimes things are very clear yet culprit is always the one who took stand..

I wish I could find in which World 🌍 am living in..

Sometimes I wish to keep shut...and take all shit of others..

But when people split lies and try to be sweet after.. the only thing which is irresistible...

I wish I could make my own world 🌍

It's not tough to earn.... But it's very tough to maintain the quality..the self respect... The inner we.. coz there are numerous to break you..

Life is teaching and am learning again new things..

Great people used to say...

Stay always and alert from the most sweetest people...coz they have fakeness

And it's ture....there is always something wrong with the sweetest creatures...

Staying silent doesn't mean am weak or emotional...

It means I am not interested to fight with the one who can't take stand on what they say...



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